
3d визуализация и моделирование газ 2330

Object visualization (object)

3d modeling and visualization of parts, assemblies, assemblies, vehicles and much more you will see in our completed projects. Examples of work on the subject visualization of industrial design and ...
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3d визуализация зала и кухни

3D Interiors

3d визуализации интерьеров по дизайн-проектам и не только - это максимально приближенная к реальности картина будущего дизайна помещения в сочетании фактур, элементов дизайна, меблировки и логики инжен
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Новые программы презентаций

New presentation programs

В данной статье мы рассмотрим новые программы презентаций, такие как Prezi, PowToon, SlideRocket, Keynote, Piktochar, их преимущества и недостатки/
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Инфракрасное отопление

Infrared heating

В данной статье мы рассмотрим новое веянье в области отопления - инфракрасные обогреватели. Особенности, плюсы и минусы инфракрасного отопления.
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Effective use of 3D panoramas

3D съемка считается одним из наилучших решений при существовании необходимости продемонстрировать заказчику все преимущества того или иного объекта. Она позволяет показать все в мельчайших подробностях, остановиться на интересующих вопросах и увидеть все нюансы.
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Areas where 3D graphics are used today

3D визуализация крайне полезна даже при реализации небольших проектов. Использование моделей в трехмерной графике позволяет увидеть все недостатки и нюансы будущего объекта, которые по той или иной причине не были заранее учтены. Отдельно необходимо упомянуть, что создание 3D моделей происходит достаточно быстро. Разумеется, точные сроки зависят от сложности проекта и степени детализации.
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3D modeling, why is it needed?

Возможности визуализации практически ничем не ограничены и являются уже неотъемлемыми во многих отраслях. Обобщая все вышесказанное, можно отметить, что 3D моделирование – это совершенно уникальная технология с великолепным будущем, которая предоставляет человечеству поистине потрясающие возможности.
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Interactive 3D tour - the effect of full presence!

Дистанционные 3D туры позволяют компаниям раскрыть преимущества своей продукции, продемонстрировать её пользователю со всех сторон и заинтересовать наибольшее число потенциальных покупателей. В частности, подобными возможностями особенно активно пользуются компании, занимающиеся строительством, проектированием, дизайном, строительством автомобилей и т.п.
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VISUALIZATION OF EXTERIORS: an effective architectural technique

Ещё одним неоспоримым преимуществом использования 3D технологий является простота их восприятия. Понять, что же изображено на чертеже, не имея специальных знаний, достаточно трудно даже при условии того, что Вам все подробно объяснят, в то время как 3D модель говорит сама за себя.
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3D animated videos: what programs are used to create

Анимационные ролики – это особый раздел 3D графики, которые набирает в последнее время все большую и большую популярность. Сфера применения анимации достаточно широка, а значит продукт необходим во многих отраслях. В частности, их применяют для создания мультсериалов, презентации и других, более узконаправленных областях.
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Despite the fact that working with the exterior is easier than with the interior, it requires special knowledge and special training. In addition, the specialist must be able to navigate various software that provides the ability to create a 3D model. Below we give a list of the most popular programs that are used to visualize objects and give a brief description of each of them, consider the strengths and weaknesses.
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Which is better, 3D visualization or high-quality photographs?

Relatively recently, when 3D modeling was not yet widespread, high-quality panoramic images were used in the interior design, which demonstrated the skill of the designer. However, 3D modeling technologies have almost completely supplanted photographs, due to a number of certain advantages. It is worth noting that the use of images has not completely disappeared, however, it is increasingly recognized as unprofessional and unreasonably expensive.
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Interior design is a real art. And of course, like any art, it has various styles and directions. Regardless of which style is preferred, the latter should be appropriate, strictly designed and, of course, necessary to comply with the wishes of the customer.
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3D interactive tour

The 3D tour technology allows you to create not only presentations of houses, their interior or exterior, but also present entire cottage villages.
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Rules for creating 3D subject visualization

Object visualization of an object is the creation of an exact copy of it in three-dimensional space. 3D models are widely used in various fields of human activity: designing, creating animations and special effects, working on design and more.
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3D visualization of cottages

Today, architecture, design and construction are very closely connected with the use of high technologies, in particular 3D modeling. The introduction of the latter allowed not only to implement complex ideas, but also greatly simplified the process of working on the project. 3D modeling is often used to create models of various architectural buildings, in particular cottages.
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Fusion x64 TIFF File

3D visualization - a powerful presentation.

Three-dimensional visualization at a relatively low cost can save the customer more than 100% of the initial budget. Miscalculations in the work of technologists, designers, and designers can reduce even a potentially successful project from a distance. 3D visualization allows you to identify errors at the initial stage and quickly eliminate them.
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Of course, these points only summarize the main points, but the main thing in the selling site is not to forget about the purpose for what it is done, not to neglect the knowledge of professional web-analysts, as A selling website is inextricably linked to integrated Internet marketing. An unprofessional approach to creating a site can ruin even the most promising project, so you should not do it “as the director said” or put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. This is unprofessional. But she is learning internet marketing from our foreign colleagues - this is the right trend.
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Subject visualization

You can perform subject visualization of an object with the help of many programs, the benefit is that the software that enables the creation of 3D models is represented quite widely. No less than programs for rendering, however, among others, we would like to separately highlight Vray. Typically, this program is used to create interiors, but it is widely used in other areas of modeling.
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Interior visualization in Unreal Engine 4

A wide variety of programs are used to create high-quality 3D visualization. The most popular are 3D max, Corona, vRay, MentalRay, however in this article we would like to talk about the Unreal Engine program.
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3D visualization of cottages: features of the process

The introduction of modern technologies into life has led to various changes in various spheres of human activity. It also affected the suburban construction of private houses. Drawings and sketches familiar to the older generation, together with oral explanations, go back to the distant past, and they are replaced by wide 3D modeling capabilities that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding client.
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Flash-AWAY3D Technology

Today, 3D modeling technologies have become an integral part of many spheres of human life, in particular, they found their application in architecture, construction, design.
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The advantages of wooden houses

The building materials market is expanding every year, but, like 10 years ago, the consumer evaluates new products in terms of environmental friendliness. That is why the tree has no equal in the race for the right to be considered the most healthy building material.
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Tree house

Deformation of windows and doors is one of the most unpleasant consequences of shrinkage. A competent okosyachka will help to avoid negative consequences - laying wooden bars in a groove in the places of installation of the structure. The right choice of material for the bars and the shrink box allows you to install windows and doors even in a fresh log house without consequences for the structure in the future.
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Плюсы каркасного дома

Как и при строительстве любого другого здания, качество дома будет зависеть от материалов, соблюдения технологии строительства и добросовестности мастера. При соблюдении высоких стандартов и контроле за этапами возведения, каркасный дом будет радовать вашу семью долгие годы.
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Subtleties of water supply in a cottage

When designing a water supply system, the calculation of consumed water is carried out at a rate of 200 l / day per person. If it is possible to connect the site where construction is underway to the central water supply and sewerage networks, the designers can only get technical conditions with connection schemes for outlets. No bulky equipment, examinations and problems.
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The technology of building houses from blocks

Sand cement blocks A distinctive feature of sand-cement blocks is the absence of a blowing agent in the technology of their manufacture. As a result, the finished material is characterized by high strength and equally high thermal conductivity. According to its characteristics, the material is close to that of simple concrete, therefore, it has found application in the construction of household buildings.
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При создании интерьера люди, как правило, делятся на два типа. Одни считают, что без профессионального дизайнера никак не обойтись, другие – что это бессмысленная трата денег, которым нашлось бы и более хорошее применение, а создать дизайн при наличии вкуса можно и самостоятельно. В этой статье мы постараемся объяснить, что такое 3D дизайн, зачем он нужен и кто же все-таки прав.
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Айсберг Медиа

3d exteriors

Taking these factors into account even at the stage of project approval allows us to avoid miscalculations and errors in construction and save money. Agree, changing a 3D architectural project is much easier than making adjustments to the rebuilt building and utilities.
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Subject visualization: scope of use

he scope of application of subject visualization is quite a lot, but it has gained particular popularity in industrial production. This fact is explained by the fact that the creation of 3D models greatly simplifies the prototype development process. In addition, the easy management of specialized software allows, without interrupting work, to make the necessary changes.
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3D visualization - what is it?

The geometric dimensions of the object do not give us an idea of ​​what it will be as a result: bright or monochrome, glossy or matte, transparent or “deaf”. The choice of materials with such properties as color, texture, transparency, reflectivity, pattern and others helps to get an idea of ​​the appearance. After their choice, the model takes on a practically tangible appearance -
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3D max и Revit

Design in Revit + 3D Max

Due to the interaction of these two programs, it will not be difficult to make the necessary changes to the project specification, drawings or the 3D model itself. In order not to be unfounded, imagine such a situation: say, it is necessary to change the parameters of the wall. You calmly change the geometry without worrying about textures and materials - they will remain unchanged.
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